Sunday, July 17, 2011

Jag har påbörjat en ny seriebok/ I have begun drawing/ writing a comic

The title is people have feet not roots. It's about the fact we move, grow and change...We are more mobile than we think. Things like nationality, personality and culture, all those things we think are solid and unchanging, they change all the time.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Banners för cykelapans sommarrea färdiga/ This is what I finished today

Jag har precis designat min första banner! Det är för Bilden ovan är bara en förhandsgranskning av bannern, man måste klicka för att se animationen i bannern.

This is one of the banners I did for The image is just a thumbnail, you have to click on the image to see it animated.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Dagens teckning/ Drawing of the day

Horse-pig-bird-"spider" for Raman

The more I look at this image the weirder the legs look, specially the ones in the back. Then again a horse with 6 legs is weird... Anyway, this is just practice so this is how I learn.

Shaun Tan: Every book takes several years to finish

När jag var mycket yngre kunde böcker som tordyveln flyger i skymningen av Maria Gripe och bröderna Lejonhjärta av Astrid Lindgren få mig att drömma. Efter att ha läst klart boken, satt jag där i mitt rum, höll ömt i boken och kände att jag varit med om något obeskrivligt. Författarna hade tagit mig på en fenomenal resa, till en plats djupt inuti, nära som långt bort. Det var en plats som var extraordinär som den var vanlig, vacker som den var hemsk...Det är vad riktigt bra sagor och berättelser ska skapa, en omskakande känsla. en känsla som gör att man aldrig blir sig lik igen. Alma pristagaren Shaun Tan gör böcker som får mig att känna precis så, fastän jag är mycket äldre. Det var länge sen jag öppnade en bildbok och sa wow.

Jag har läst en artikel som säger att det tar honom flera år att avsluta en bok och det kan jag förstå. Han lägger otroligt mycket tanke på detaljer och han arbetar väldigt mycket med texterna så att de flyter och är även de en njutning. Shaun Tan har på ingen tid alls blivit en av mina favorit författare.


When I was younger books by favourite writers such as Maria Gripe and Astrid Lindgren touched me deeply. Those books made me dream. Those books and those writes made me in many ways the person I am today. It has been a long time since a writer made me feel like that. when I read Shaun Tan books I feel amazed. I can't help myself but go wow when I turn the page and see the illustrations.

I have been reading an article of Shaun Tan where he says that his books usually take several years to finish. I can understand why since it feels like he puts a lot of thought in every detail in his stories. Shaun tan says he want people to appreciate everyday life more by reading his books. That's exactly what I feel when I read his books, specially tales from suburbia. It's a book filled with stories from an ordinary world but told with a sense of mystery, beauty and imagination. I have to say that images leave me with a sense of awe. The illustrations surprise you and yet feel exactly right.

This is one one of my favourite stories about the silent and strange buffalo that people go to for advice. The buffalo would point with his pointy hoof and people would always find their way. When they got there they would be amazed at how the buffalo always got it right. I highly recommend this book and/or any other book written and illustrated by this author.

Friday, July 8, 2011

A days work

Today I have been working on my newest client's banners. The client is As soon as they are done I will post them here as well.

I also drew a lot today. The focus was drawing fantasy characters. A while ago I bought this book the fantasy artists figure drawing bible by Matt dixon.

This is the inside of the book. It is very detailed and very good for a beginner like me.

So I practice and practice... :)

Dagens teckning/ Drawing of the day

Jag tränar på olika poser och fortsätter att undvika ansikten.
I am practising different poses. I keep avoiding to draw faces because it's really hard

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Makoto shinkais Children Who Chase Lost Voices from Deep Below Trailer

I just discovered a Japanese animator called Makoto Shinkai. Some describe him as the next Hayao miyazaki. I looked him up and found this trailer. It just seems so fantastic and magical. I really want to see this movie. Sorry to be so sappy, i felt like crying, i am sucker for this kind of thing. The music and the images...seriously! <3

Pixar magic - the beauty of pixar

I was very moved by this film montage made by Leandro Copperfield as a tribute to pixar. Watch i dare you to not be moved. :)

Pixar magic - upcoming pixar movie trailer

Pixar magic - upcoming pixar movie poster!

The upcoming pixar movie seams pretty amazing! It's about a Scottish princess, Merida,who defies her parents by persuing an interest in archery, but inadvertently jeopardizes her father's kingdom in the process. The first pixar animated fairytale! :D I can´t wait to see it.

This poster is really beautiful!

Getty Domein sings echo the 30 june

Röda korsets Kongodag i vitabergsparken den 30 juni

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Dagens teckning /Drawing of the day

I am aiming for two drawings everyday. Practise, practise, practise...


Jag vet att det är inte helt rätt på vissa ställen, men jag måste börja någonstans. Två teckningar per dag!

How it ends